From the Great Chesty

"Our country wont go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won't be any AMERICA because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race!"

"Paper work will ruin any military force"

"You don't hurt'em if you don't hit 'em"

Chesty on the other forces:

When an Army captain asked him for the direction of the line of retreat, Chesty turned to his tank commander, gave him the Army position and orderd: "If they start to pull back from that line, even one foot, I want you to open fire on them" Turning back to the captain he replied "does that answer your question? We are here to fight." At Koto-ri Korea

"The mail service has been excellent out here, and in my opinion this is all that the Air Force has accomplished during the war"
In a letter to his wife while in Korea

When the Marines were cut off behind enemy lines and the Army had written the 1st Marine Division off as being lost because they were surrounded by 22 enemy divisions. The Marines made it out inflicting the highest casualty ratio on and enemy in history and destroying 7 entire enemy divisions in the process.
An enemy division is 16500+men while a Marine Division is 12500 men.

When a Journalist asked him about being surrounded by 22 enemy divisions. Chesty replied.
"They are a damn site better than the U.S. Army, at least we know they will be there in the morning"

"They are in front of us , behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can't get away now!"

"there are not enough chinamen in the world to stop a fully armed Marine regiment from going where ever they want to go"

True Protecting Angel

True Protecting Angel

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Are we the worlds police?

Well now that we are going to have to gather evidence and read maranda rights on the battle field i think its time we ask are we the worlds police? I mean this in all seriousness has the world became small enough and has the market provided that we should unit as one world we have apparently adapted foriegn law into are law. and we go about the world policing it like a giant babysitter if were going to make shure everyone has what we have why dont we go to the rest of the problems darfur Nigeria, uganda the cango, samalia, invade Burma, china, and start alowing all of the people who are being wronged in the world to appell to the united states justice system.
And a note to all the men prepairing to go out on the battle field today remember your k-bar, m-16, MRE's Vlak Jaket, and dont forget your handcuffs, tazer and rubber gloves and evidence bags dont touch anything tell the CSI guys show up and remember to duck and cover from those rpg's while your trying to find that dna evidence.


Jason The said...

My opinion doesn't get as far as "should" we do it. Watching our efforts in the middle east so far has me stuck at "can" we do it, even if we wanted to? Here are three articles I've been picking over on three different points of view, if they help. (links below)

America's Destiny Is to Police the World.

Should America Police The World?

Can America Police the World?

Central Command said...

I think we realy need to argue that we should not be the world police and my personal belief is we can not not because we cant but that you can not hand people freedom if they are not willing to fight for it and bleed for it themselves they will never hold it so we can not go around handing it out to people,
my opinion is the constatution is pretty clear that we are not to be an agressor and we should only attak in retaliation
now that being said you could argue that we should have never fought on the europian front in world war 2 sence we were attaked by japan
but i think that there is somthing in the fact that you look at the government that were over ran in a matter of days and some cases hours by the nazi's why was it that the americans british canada and austrailia were the ones that had to free them, and if you look those countrys have turned socialist they still are not willing to fight for personal freedoms (interesting fact do you relize that austrailia was the one to actuly lose the most in ww2)
do i think that we should just build are empire and say the hell with the world no the best training opps for the military is humanitarian efforts nothing like training with real rounds coming at you
are military is not for policeing we are not and can not be trained in that mind set look at the history of the san fransisco and l.a. riots were the marine corps were called in to help out and why we were quickly stoped
the military is there to wipe out and inialate any enemy! not to police

Jason The said...

Hey Plowking, I can't find your email addy, and want to invite you to this tonight. If you have time, come hang out for a bit, meet Morgan, etc. I'll be there all night.

Here's a link: