Some folks to are west seem to think they can continue on the fight as this article points out are friends in Nevada yes that land of sex gambling hotels and casino's is fighting on for the rights of us all.
(06-17) 15:34 PDT Carson City, Nev. (AP) --
Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul's campaign is over, but Paul backers and others still plan to resume a recessed Nevada GOP convention June 28 — ahead of a July 26 date set by the party's executive committee.
The party's April 26 state convention abruptly ended prior to final votes on what was shaping up as a national convention delegation with more backers for Paul than for presumptive GOP presidential nominee John McCain.
"It's not about Ron Paul versus John McCain. It's about right versus wrong," Sparks dentist and Paul supporter Wayne Terhune said Tuesday.
Terhune said he'd pay for a room at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno big enough to handle nearly 700 people or more, and others who also want the June 28 event have offered to help cover costs.
Terhune maintains that under party rules the convention can reconvene as long as a majority is present. Nearly 1,400 Republicans were at the party's April 26 convention.
Paul said last week that he's ending his campaign but will keep spreading his message by working to help elect libertarian-leaning Republicans to public office. He also will host a Sept. 2 alternative mini-convention when the national GOP convention is being held in St. Paul, Minn.
The Nevada Republican Party's executive committee decided earlier this month on the July 26 date to resume the state convention. Zachary Moyle, the state GOP's executive director, said completion of the April convention had been in the works "from Day One."
The July convention will be held in the same place it started, at the Peppermill hotel-casino in Reno. Moyle said the late-July convention would provide plenty of time for 31 state GOP delegates to the party's national convention to prepare for that event.
Paul backers were upset by the recess at the April 26 convention and expressed concern about getting fair treatment when it resumes. Party leaders have insisted the Paul supporters won't be disenfranchised.
Well my ? is, is it time to pick up are pitch forks and over throw and start over was 200 and some odd years a long enough run for the land we love so much? Or is it save able does P-Diddy own the only Constitution that has not been pised spit, and walked on!
My blood line has fought in every conflict large or small sence 1775 when a few patriots got togather in tun's tavern and decided to overthrow the greatest military force at the time and start a new free and better nation! Have we got to that point again is it now time to start over? I know people are saying man move to Idaho and Montana and join the rest of the nuts nut job, But I am serious and am asking can we save the Constitution that has set free and broke so many bonds of man kind or have we enslaved and voted areselves into slavery? What do you think?
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