i thought sence science has been thrown out the window and common sence has been tosed as well on this issue i to would throw out some ideas mixed with a little bit of science fact and see if we to can create a religous following
well my thought is if they say trees take in carbon dioxide and while makeing a by poroduct of oxygen
and they say that when you cut the tree open it releases a hole bunch of carborn dioxide back into the air
well they used to teach that we get oil from the dinosors leaves that are under the ground, some stand by this and they still call it fosil fuels but most have agreed that that is a bogas theroy i wonder if the fact that the fosils are at earths serfase and the oil is thousands of feet down gave them a hint on that one
so my thought is the trees take in the carbon dioxide and send it threw there leaves and down threw there roots and the ground water carrys it down in to the earth were the refining proces accures and are by product is oil
so oil is a fuel wich will never go away as long as we continue to use it and the trees continue to recycle it its the hole circle of life type of thing so
in order to save the world plant trees and be shure to water them and let them suck all that carbondioxide down into the ground so that future generations can use it
now start drilling and planting trees
spread the word so we can get a fallowing
2022 Books...and that's a wrap!
2 years ago
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