From the Great Chesty

"Our country wont go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won't be any AMERICA because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race!"

"Paper work will ruin any military force"

"You don't hurt'em if you don't hit 'em"

Chesty on the other forces:

When an Army captain asked him for the direction of the line of retreat, Chesty turned to his tank commander, gave him the Army position and orderd: "If they start to pull back from that line, even one foot, I want you to open fire on them" Turning back to the captain he replied "does that answer your question? We are here to fight." At Koto-ri Korea

"The mail service has been excellent out here, and in my opinion this is all that the Air Force has accomplished during the war"
In a letter to his wife while in Korea

When the Marines were cut off behind enemy lines and the Army had written the 1st Marine Division off as being lost because they were surrounded by 22 enemy divisions. The Marines made it out inflicting the highest casualty ratio on and enemy in history and destroying 7 entire enemy divisions in the process.
An enemy division is 16500+men while a Marine Division is 12500 men.

When a Journalist asked him about being surrounded by 22 enemy divisions. Chesty replied.
"They are a damn site better than the U.S. Army, at least we know they will be there in the morning"

"They are in front of us , behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can't get away now!"

"there are not enough chinamen in the world to stop a fully armed Marine regiment from going where ever they want to go"

True Protecting Angel

True Protecting Angel

Sunday, May 25, 2008

No apologies

Recently on the rush limbau program a man called in and it was the same old rederic about mitt romeney and the LDS church and there stance on blacks and the priesthood.
I have got to write about this subject. I know it is a sensitive one but i think very few people know much about the actual facts and if John McCain realy does pick Mitt Romeney as his running mate this is going to come up all over the place if Barak Obama is the opposing canadate
First let me say that i dont think the church needs to apolagize for anything they have stood on both sides of the issue threw out history and they have stood by what they believed in and what there doctorine is no matter how unpopular it was to the Majority
Few people know that Joseph Smith was an actual canadite for President of the United States few people know that after 2 times he was actuley a very possible canadite with a large population following after him it was his stance against Slavery probley the hottest topic of the time that was one of the reasons of the hatred against him it was his over whelming amount of votes that he could bring in from the south Missouri becouse of the churches large population there still at the time he was a canadite that could win and the talk of the time was unite the south and north. This was also one of the reasons Mobs were after him his stance against slavery.
Many people know the story about Joseph Smith haveing a recently converted slave show up in Nauvoo he had been baptized recently had exscaped and ran away. At the time the law was very strict against those who escaped and those who harberd them. Joseph told the man he needed to return to his master, odd some might say, but he continued and promiced the man he would be ok. Joseph then turned sold his own horse then went and bought the mans freedom.
Many know this story but few know what else Joseph returned with, He returned with records of the slaves and the free slaves of the times the church has recently released the Freedman's Bank Records
this work and many others never would have been possible if not for the churchs work in the early 1800s
the other think that was extreamly unpopular at the time all black members of the church at the time were given all rights and an equal vote in the church and sustaining offices and callings in the church
the closest thing to that at the time was the demacrats leting the votes of a black man count at 3/5 of a vote
the church has put forth an amazing effort to bring more then 500000 names of the slaves and the african american geneolagy to the world and it would have been possible if they had not gone so contraditory to the thoughts of the times and worked so hard at compialing the work
as the saints moved west there stance on slavery and womans right to vote followed them this was one of the things that kept utah from being a state for so long because the church alowed women and blacks to vote very contradictory to the thought of the times
as the church progressed they have continued to stand up for equal rights.
The revelation in the 70's was given opening up the Priesthood to blacks some say this was a following of the human rights and equal movement of the time. No this was working threw the churchs way. It was the world finaly catching up to were the church had been for more then a hundred years
please if you have ?'s about this lets talk about it

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