Ethical ?
as a consevative or not? To all of us who beleve in small government and less taxes yada yady yada
when a big government program is out there that we can beneffit from should we use it? Is that hipacridical? or unethical?
Ill make this argument as a capitalist business man, in business you use anything to get ahead. If i can use the government bonds and grants to move my business ahead. Why not? If I am a farmer why not use the subsadies? If i can qualify for medicad why not use it? or WIC, CHIP, or food stamps
To all of us who just paid are taxes. I hate paying taxes and then hearing later how goverment spend 2 Billion on a project to see how fruit flys F$^#. But the person down the street who realy needs a little help was denied her food stamps clam or medicad and now has outrages medical bills on top of all there other problems. Why cant i just give my tax money to them. Something i think alot of us would rather do. You say well charitable donations are a tax right off you could have. No charitable donations are only if you are in a certian tax bracket.
I hate when it comes down to well we got to go purchase a new truck so we don't eat it on taxes this year. Well in alot of cases I would rather do somthing else with that money but I refuse to pay taxes if i can avoid them. So i say if you can take some money back threw a goverment program use it becouse we we always spend that money better then they will. But dosn't that mean some buricrate is going to take you as a number and next years say well demand is up so we have to raise taxes to cover it.
I would love to see how much taxes is taken and then how much actuly reaches the people in the programs. Charity's have to report those figures like. For every dollar brought in 40 cents gets to the kids. Well i would love for government to tell us how much gets to the people that the taxes are taken for.
So my delema do i use government programs to take my money back and use it more effectivly or do i take a moral stance that no one will see and say no. do i use the cheat in Mario to skip to the castle or do i play all the levels and concor the game.
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2 years ago
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