Everyone knows my very very outspoken rages against the current actions being taken by the government the people and the Fed reserve.
I have made a killing on the current collapses and have spoken about that a little. And have only spoken about what i think is next with a few. I would love to open up a descusion on this matter and i want to hear from all view points because the fact of the matter is. It could go anyway, and we can all make money either way. You just have to understand the beliefs of the way we go and how to position yourself to prosper in those beliefs. So hear are your reading assignments and there are alot
Robert Kiyasoki http://www.richdad.com/
most people know of him as the rich dad poor dad guy little do people know that that is just the starter in his serioise of books it might peak your intrests that he predicted the market crash in the 70's and 80's and pin pointed it so well that it is shocking
Go to the sorce of all knowledge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Depression
Wikipedia and study the great depresion after i set up my financial plan and read roberts books i have been studying anything i could get my hands on over the great depression and if you are lucky enough to know people that lived threw it and are still able to tell you about it you are stupid to not suck there brain dry
I am also reading financial Armagedon and some others if the prove to be helpful i will let you know
there are alot of theroys 3 verys diffrent ecanomic idiolagys but with those three
Austrian Economics
Dont let the names throw you off you will be shocked wich ones you yourself fall under after you study them
But knowing what these theroys are and how they will effect the markets is very importants suchding as maybe you would be interested in knowing that are current FED Chairman
Ben Bernanke, Believes one of these theroys and only one and with the stupid acts of are representitives he has been given full power and authority over this a whole other subject wich we wont go into now
but Monetarists, including Milton Friedman who Bernanke has padurned all of his recent desicions after is maybe somthing you should look into
another thing is consalt your bible's, Book of Mormons, Qurans, and spiritual leaders people think that secound comming nut job talk dosnt help the matter but it is needed to know what people are thinking and are looking at doing to understand what they will do.
please lets talk
2022 Books...and that's a wrap!
2 years ago